OPTION Two-storey option with flat roof
Everything at a glance
External dimensions
4,60 x 11,20 m
Living space
71,44 m2
two storey house
Bauhaus design
OPTION — Two-storey option with flat roof
Roof Shape
flat roof
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Innovative living with options

The option range brings together design and high-quality materials to blend compact living and individual space with economic appeal. The focus is on the idea that true living quality is created not by excessive room size, but by sophisticated floor plan design. The design of the two-storey variant has a restrained appearance at the front, while the rear elevation is characterised by large, floor-to-ceiling windows. The vertical timber cladding lends the house a warm, but nevertheless modern, appearance. With a length of over 11 metres and a width of 4.6 metres, this option provides a living area of about 70 m2.

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